Mount Elgon National Park

Magical Safari to Mountain Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park lies in Eastern Uganda and it is that one magical safari to explore if you are to get the best of experiential African safari. It covers an area of about 1145 square kilometers and inhabits the extinct volcano-Mount Elgon one of oldest physical features in Uganda. This volcano once featured as the Africa’s highest mountain exceeding the Kilimanjaro’s current 5895 meters but due to erosion, it reduced to 4321 meters making it the 4th highest peak in East Africa and 8th in Africa. There are also 2 tribes that live around here-the Bagisu and Sabiny as well as the marginalized Ndorobos who lived deep in the forest of Benet. This volcano spans for over 4000 square kilometers thus featuring the largest volcanic base in the world.                                                                                                                     
This park derived its name from the spectacular Mount Elgon which straddles at the border with Kenya. Its diameter is about 80 kilometers and stretches up to 3000 meters. A visit to this stunning park gets you the best of its unique flora and fauna including more than 300 bird species, thick montane forest, mixed bamboo belts, endemic plants for instance the giant lobelia and groundsels. The wildlife species to spot here include the black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, birds like golden winged and tacazze sunbirds, Ross’s and hartlaub’s Turaco, Jackson’s Francolin, lammergeyer, crowned hornbills, black and white casqued hornbills among others.

Mountain Peaks

Mount Elgon appeals to all types of travelers and truly, it is made for mountain lovers. Experience non-stop excitement on your wilderness trek and see real Eastern region as you journey through the mountainous north and enter the world of green forest, virgin mountain lakes, imposing glaciers as well as a rich Ugandan ecosystem.                                                                                                                    The exotic landscape, diverse flora and fauna, sheer mountain range with an unsurpassed beauty offers all together an unforgettable experience. The trekking trail takes trekkers on a journey of natural discovery and self-contemplation.  No wonder Elgon offers a wide range of trekking trails from a simple, short three days trek, to the rigorous and astonishing twenty-two days long, legendary trek                                                                                        Select an appealing Mount Elgon Trek and tailor a tour program to fit your fancy. Travel at your leisure and with Wild Mountain Adventure; you can see what you want at your own pace.

Mount Elgon National Park:

Most of the trekking is within the boundary of Mount Elgon National Park. This national park is spread over an area of 1,148 square km in the Ugandan ecological zone in the Eastern region of Ugandan. The park was established on July 19, 1976 and was inscribed as a Natural World Heritage Site in 1979.                
Sipi Falls                                               
This is one of the most explored sites and features an ancient enormous Stone Age cave painting close to the Budadiri trail head, scenic mountain peaks and hot springs which bubble strongly and gorges among others. The Sipi falls are found about 66 kilometers off Mbale, en-route to the Forest Exploration Center and Kapkwata. The available accommodation in this area is Sipi Falls Resort


In this Eastern region you will find varieties of flora and fauna. In the lower forested zone, you will find a lot of trees and shrubs like blue pines, firs, bamboo and rhododendron grow. Above this zone all vegetation are found to be dwarf or shrubs. As the altitude increases, plant life is restricted to lichens and mosses. Plants stop growing at about 5,750 meters (18,860 ft), because this is the permanent snow line in the region.                                       Fauna                                                    The forests of Mount Elgon national park provide habitat to at least 118 species of birds, including Red-billed chough, and Yellow-billed chough. This park is also home to a number of rare mammal species, monkeys are also found in the park.

Things to do Mount Elgon National Park


A trip to Mount Elgon National Park rewards travel endeavors with exciting birding experience. The birds to look out in this park include the golden winged and tacazze sunbirds, Ross’s and hartlaub’s Turaco, Jackson’s Francolin, lammergeyer, and others.


Three (3) main trailheads take you to Mount Elgon peaks, one of which kick starts from Budadiri- the Sasa trailhead, the Sipi trailhead-forest exploration center to Kapkwai or use the Kapkwata also known as Piswa trailhead.

Day Hikes

Embark on day hikes in any of the 3 day trails at forest exploration center. They range from 3 to 7 kilometers and they provide the best experience as it comes with amazing encounters of rare plant and wildlife species.

Hiking Trails in Mount Elgon

Many travellers find Mt. Elgon an exciting alternative to the more strenuous climbs in East Africa. It has many of the same attractions, with a milder climate and lower elevation, and requires no special equipment or technical experience. The Sasa trail is the shortest but toughest route to the peaks, traversing the community land and allowing you to explore Ba Masaba farming settlements and culture. The round trip takes four days and starts at Budadiri town at an elevation of 1,250m. The toughest climb of over 1,600m is completed on the first day, before crossing the park’s largest area of bamboo forest and passing Jackson’s Pool on the way to Wagagai Peak.                                                                                         
The Sipi trail (four to six days, 56km round trip) starts at 2,050m at the Kapkwai Forest Exploration Centre. It is the longest trail to the peaks, passing through the northwestern mountainside through Tutum Cave to enter the caldera and reach Wagagai Peak. The trail begins gently, but becomes tougher on the third day from Kajeri Camp.                                                                                         
The Piswa trail (seven days, 49km round trip) is long and the most gentle trail. Starting at the village of Kapkwata on the north side of the mountain, it traverses the soft wood plantation to the Podocarpus forest. It’s notable for its rich wildlife and spectacular views of the Karamoja plains in Uganda and the Nandi and Kapeguria hills in Kenya. The Piswa trail also passes the hot springs on the way to the caldera and the peaks.