Murchison Falls National Park


Discover Uganda’s First National Park

 Murchison Falls became one of Uganda’s first national parks in 1952. At Murchison Falls, the Nile squeezes through an 8m wide gorge and plunges with a thunderous roar into the “Devil’s Cauldron”, creating a trademark rainbow. Murchison Falls National Park lies at the northern end of the Albertine Rift Valley, where the sweeping Bunyoro escarpment tumbles into vast, palm-dotted savanna. First gazetted as a game reserve in 1926, it is Uganda’s largest and oldest conservation area.  The park is bisected by the Victoria Nile, which plunges 45m over the remnant rift valley wall, creating the dramatic Murchison Falls, the centerpiece of the park and the final event in an 80km stretch of rapids. The mighty cascade drains the last of the river’s energy, transforming it into a broad, placid stream that flows quietly across the rift valley floor into Lake Albert. This stretch of river provides one of Uganda’s most remarkable wildlife spectacles. Regular visitors to the riverbanks include elephants, giraffes, and buffaloes; while hippos, Nile crocodiles, and aquatic birds are permanent residents.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Murchison Falls is notably blessed with over 144 mammals,556 bird species,51 reptiles, and 51 Amphibians. With a great number of  African elephants, Murchison falls is impressive all year round. The aerial survey noted over 900 individuals and 1,330 and is at an increase. Historically Giraffes exclusively inhabit the northern sector of the park. Buffalo populations have spiked to over 10,000 while Uganda kobs have leaped to more than 35,000.The bird checklist with the shoebill as the most common along the river stretch approaching the Albert delta and many profolic bird species occupy the park.The white crested turaco,red winged grey warbler,all asociated with woodland in the southern bank.                                                                                                                         
Notable visitors to the park include Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, Ernest Hemingway, and several British royals.

Main Attractions In Murchison National Park

Murchison National Park, is one of the largest safari parks in Uganda. To visit the main locations, travelers need 3-4 days. Here is what to expect at the Park

The Powerful Murchison Falls

 According to the history of Murchison Falls National Park, when the park was established in 1952, the Game Department enthused, that the main tourist attractions of this park was definitely the unique Murchison Falls after which the pack was named. the waterfall found on the river Nile which presents a theatrical battle between the water and the packed rocks displays a large volume of water powerfully squeezing through  narrow 7m crevice in the rocks that plunges over 40 meters below into a 50m radius water pool. The powerful force of the water results into a loud roar and a water spray around the fall. Interestingly a large number of tourists prefer booking accommodation located close to the waterfall so that they can hear its roaring water especially in the quite nights.

Birding in Murchison

With over 450 bird species, the Nile corridor of the Murchison has a big array of water birds such as rare shoebill stork other popular species include: the Goliath Heron, African Quail-Finch, the elegant Grey Crowned Cranes, Blue-headed Coucal, White-browed Sparrow Weaver, Swamp Flycatcher, Red-throated Bee-eater, Squacco Heron, Silver bird, African Jacana, Piapiac, Sandpipers, Eastern Grey Plantain-eater, Denham’s Bustard, Weaver Birds, Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill, Malachite Kingfishers and the Black-billed Barbet among several others.

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary proudly harbors Uganda’s wild endangered rhinos. It is situated in Nakasongola District, near Nakitoma Village, in the north of Kampala along Kampala – Gulu highway approximately 180km by road                                                                                                                     
Uganda used to have a big number of Rhinos in the 90’s but during the massive wars in the 1970s, there were serious killings, poaching and hunting and by 1983 there was extinction of Rhinos. In 2005 the sanctuary was established and rhinos were re-introduced by the Rhino Fund Uganda. Ziwa is the only place where you can track rhinos on foot; it is really great and exciting as you watch the white rhinoceros! This place has a tight 24-hour security, after the actions done in the 90’s.                                                                                                                                                 
The sanctuary has around 78 amazing trained and skilled park rangers; it works hand in hand with the Uganda Wildlife Authority and Ziwa Ranchers Limited. It started with 6 rhinos but currently number has grown to about 19 animals. Apart from rhinos, Ziwa is also home to a number of bird species, reptiles, and 40 mammal species including antelopes, crocodiles, hippos, monkeys among others. There is surely a lot to do and see in the sanctuary such as birding and Nature walks though Rhino tracking is the major activity.

The Karuma Waterfall

Located in Chobe area within the northeastern part of the Murchison Falls national park,  this thundering waterfall comprises of cascading natural rock-formations through which the water forces its way forming a characteristic ‘white foam’ that is very impressive to observe. Because of its prime location, it is a great place to do some sport fishing. The area surrounding this falls is home to various wildlife including monkeys, buffaloes, hartebeests, various antelopes like the Uganda Kobs, lions, giraffes, baboons and birds.

Activities in the Park

Spot Fishing

This Park is the best option for tourists interested in Sport Fishing, and this Nile Perch Fishing adventure can be conducted from the shores of the Falls or by boat rides through the falls. Another perfect spot for extraordinary fishing experience (for big Nile Perch and Tiger Fish) is the Karuma falls next to Chobe Safari Lodge

Hiking and Nature Walks

 Hiking and Nature Walks are among the top activities in Murchison Falls offering holidaymakers an opportunity to explore this vast wilderness on foot  The park harbors a lot of wildlife such as warthogs, buffaloes, antelopes, Jackson’s hartebeests, lions, elephants among others. Plant species like the whistling acacia, sausage trees, bird species, butterflies, and many more.                                                                                 Most attractions in the park and around the conservation areas can be explored on foot, and although there are different trails that can be followed; tourists are only permitted to follow particular designated trails such as: to the top of the falls, in Rabongo forest and in Kaniyo Pabidi. hiking and nature walk adventures will be a great reward to Nature lovers and birders as they will reward you with great views of wildlife in Murchison falls National Park, birds and different plant life at a close range as they walk through low hills, gullies and riverine forests.

Game Drives

Murchison Falls Game drive is one of the best ways to see and appreciate the rich diversity of Wildlife in the Park. This park is home to different wildlife species including 451 bird species and over 76 types of mammal including the Buffaloes, Jackson hartebeests, Antelopes, Lions, Kobs, Giraffes, Hyenas, Bushbucks, and Warthogs among others. They are widely spread all over the Savannah grasslands, grazing or hunting for prey. This makes the park’s landscape so amazing for a game drives while on a Uganda Safari.                                                                                                     
Different vehicles can be used, comfortable, spacious with a pop-up roof in order to view well wildlife and take clear photos. A 4X4 vehicle is advised; this can be a Van, small or an extended land cruiser. Also other cars can be used such as coasters for bigger groups, saloon cars among others. In the park one can do a self-drive though it’s important to have an armed park ranger guide with you. In addition, you should at all times follow the park rules during game drives.Game drives in Murchison falls national park live you with an unforgettable memories even when you are back home!

Animals In Murchison Park

Murchison Falls National Park is equatorial, so has a tropical climate and is hot throughout the year. However, during the wet season there can be light showers. The dry season runs from December to February and the wet season from March to November. While the park is worth visiting all year round, you’re most likely to spot wildlife from June to September, and from January to March. They tend to congregate around the Nile and other water resources during that period. 











Note that: The cost of a vacation to the park depends on many factors, including the season, choice of accommodation, length of stay, and so on. The national park charges entry fees, which are typically included in the cost of safari packages.

Best Hotels at Murchison Park

This park features as the largest in the entire Uganda and the notable safari lodges for you to spend night over include;

Murchison Backpackers

Cheap Stay

Nile Safari lodge


Paraa Safari Lodge


Note that: The cost of a vacation to the park depends on many factors, including the season, choice of accommodation, length of stay, and so on. The national park charges entry fees, which are typically included in the cost of safari packages.

How To Get to Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is located 305km/190mi north of Kampala. The drive to the southern entrance gate takes 4 to 5 hours. Coming from the southwest, the 280km/170mi drive from Fort Portal takes at least 6 hours. Allow another hour or 2 from the entrance gate to most of the lodges. It is also possible to fly to the park by chartered or scheduled aircraft service from Entebbe International Airport (EBB) or Kajjansi Airfield near Kampala. Pakuba Airfield is the most convenient point of arrival for the main cluster of camps and lodges around the park headquarters at Paraa. Other options are Chobe or Bugundu.                                                                                                                                                  When flying from abroad, you’ll arrive at Entebbe International Airport (EBB). It is located 46km/29mi from the capital (Kampala). Your local tour operator will usually arrange for you to be picked up at the airport and will take care of all further transportation as part of your safari package.