Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Welcome To bwindi Impenetrable National National Park

                                                           Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, a prime Uganda Safari destination, is located in southwestern Uganda, with thick vegetation like its name suggests. Every day when tourists go out for the famous gorilla trekking adventure the ranger guides have to cut vegetation for trackers to access way to where gorillas nested the previous night. It is the true African jungle with droplets of the sun coming through the think forest cover giving you a feeling of being in paradise with zero pollution from several emissions common to our daily environment.

Activities to do at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park



Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is truly a birder’s paradise. Over 350 bird species are all confined within this beautiful protected area and they include the western green tinker bird, chestnut throated apalis, Kivu ground thrush, montane oriole, African green broadbill, collared apalis, shinning African blue, common bulbul, white tailed fly catcher, fine banded woodpecker, short tailed warbler and many others

Cultural encounters: 

Cultural encounters

A trip to Bwindi isn’t only for you to have magical encounters with the rare mountain gorillas but also for you to get the best of African cultural experiences. A cultural tour in this pristine national park takes you to the Batwa and Bakiga communities. While here, you have a chance to enjoy thrilling traditions, cultures, dances, music performance among others. Other thrilling safari activities for you to take part while on Uganda safari in Bwindi National Park include mountain biking, village walk and others.

Gorilla trekking

When it comes to safaris, gorilla trekking is undoubtedly Bwindi’s prime safari experience. To get the best of this primate adventure, pay a visit to any of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park’s 4 trailheads that include Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo and Rushaga. Interestingly, each of these regions feature habituated families which guarantees you distinctly unique wildlife experience The groups to explore while on Uganda gorilla safari in Bwindi National Park include Mubare, Habinyanja, Rushegura, Katwe which are confined within Buhoma sector; Rushaga sector features mainly Mishaya, Busingye, Kahungye, Bweza and Nshongi while Ruhija sector is composed of Bitukura, Oruzogo and Kyaguriro, and Nkuringo sector has Nkuringo and Christmas

Nature walks

For nature enthusiasts of Uganda safari, a nature walk in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park offers you a chance to get close to its natural wonders. It takes you through its distinct trails with unique wildlife and they include among others, Munyanga River trail which is popular for its primate species, birds and many others. The waterfall trail-this takes you to the 3 scenic waterfalls, Muzubijiro loop-which gets you the best views over Bwindi forest, western rift valley, the Virunga volcanoes and others, Bamboo trail that is characterized by 14 different vegetation types, Ivi river trail which is ideal for bird watching, Buhoma village tourist walk that takes you to Batwa and Bakiga community, Rushura trail and others.

Best time to visit Bwindi National Park

Safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park can be done at any time of the year but most importantly, the dry and wet season are the 2 significant seasons any traveler should put in consideration.                                                                                        The dry season starts from June to September and December to February and this is normally more ideal time for safaris especially for visitors on gorilla tour. The rainy/wet season is equally perfect and begins from March to May and October to November.

How to book Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

First step of booking a Gorilla tracking Safari in Uganda is securing and purchasing a Gorilla Permit. You can only purchase this from Uganda Wildlife Authority and a Gorilla Permit costs USD700 per person per trek for Foreign Non-Residents, USD600 for East African Residents and USD70 for East African Citizens. Contact us Africa Tours Adventure and we will help secure the gorilla permit for you. Once you have your planned dates of travel, you will let us know and we check for availability of space for Gorilla tracking Experience with Uganda Wildlife Authority and once we confirm availability we will go ahead and book for you tentatively. We will then send you an invoice for you to make payment and once this is done, you will send us proof of payment so that we go ahead and secure the permit accordingly. After purchase we will send you a scanned copy of your permits for your records and perusal. Gorilla tracking is done in a group of 8 tourists plus park rangers tracking per group. There are 36 habituated mountain gorilla groups open for gorilla tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. With this, it means they are only 288 permits available for gorilla tracking in Bwindi per day making it hard to get last minute booking. It is always better to book your permit in advance atleast 3-5 month prior visiting so that you don’t miss out on the few permits available.

Getting There

Travellers can fly from Entebbe or Kampala (Kajjansi airfield) to the modern tarmac airstrip at Kisoro. Visitors to Buhoma can charter planes to the grass Kayonza airstrip.                                                                                                                                                      The other best option is for you to take a flight from Entebbe and then land into Kisoro airstrip. From here, you can easily connect to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. Whereas those of you who are planning to set off via Kasese or Fort Portal, you can take the Katunguru route, Ishasha and Kihihi.

Safari lodges in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is the most popular of Uganda’s national parks. Home to almost half of the remaining mountain gorillas, Bwindi is the most visited of all Uganda’s parks. If you are traveling for gorilla trekking or any activity in this park you can stay in either luxury or budget safari lodge which include the following;

Budget Lodges

  • Buhoma community rest camp,
  • Broadbill forest camp,
  • Wagtail Eco Safari camp,
  • Gift of nature lodge,
  • Nshongi camp,
  • Ruhija community rest camp

Mid-Range Lodges

  • Gorilla Mist Camp,
  • Rushaga Gorilla Camp
  • Nkuringo Gorilla Camp,
  • Silverback lodge Bwindi,
  • Eco Marvels Gorilla Resort,
  • Engagi Lodge Bwindi

Luxury Lodges

  • Buhoma lodge,
  • Chameleon Hill Lodge,
  • Gorilla Forest Camp,
  • Clouds Mount Gorilla Lodge,
  • Mahogany Springs Lodge,
  • Gorilla Safari Lodge
  • Ruhija Gorilla Safari Lodge